Obirsko pevsko društvo slavilo 70 let

Obirsko pevsko društvo je vabilo v petek, 2. junija, h Kovaču na Obirskem na koncert in ples. Pevci cerkvenega zbora Obirsko so zapeli pod vodstvom Engelberta Logarja. Zapela sta še cerkveni zbor iz Železne Kaple in moški pevski zbor Valentin Polanšek.

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We, SloMedia - Slovenski medijski center - Slowenisches Medienzentrum GmbH (Registered business address: Austria), process personal data for the operation of this website only to the extent technically necessary. All details in our privacy policy.
Data protection
We, SloMedia - Slovenski medijski center - Slowenisches Medienzentrum GmbH (Registered business address: Austria), process personal data for the operation of this website only to the extent technically necessary. All details in our privacy policy.